Opinion Article for Millioneyes Magazine, October 2023
With the Wheel of Life, the Economy can only be Circular.
In the wheel of the Universe, there are many axes. In the circle of Life, this one accommodates an endless diversity. And so much movement. With brilliance everywhere, we didn't notice that they are circles within circles, traveling around a center. The center of the wheel has an infinite number of points. In fact, it has all the points.
In the circumference of the wheel's rotation, each point can connect to the center. If we assign a number to each point, we can attribute that number to the center. The center of the wheel has all the diversity. However, it is the smallest. But it is the most infinite. Everything is there. The rest revolves. Everything around has yesterday, now, and tomorrow. In the center, there is only the present. However, there is the past, the present, and the future as one.
The Universe is then a circular economy. Everything generates, degenerates, and regenerates at the center while the wheel traces a wave in its movement. And how this wave deceives us. Along the way, each point of the wheel seems different. If the landscape is different along the way, how can we say there is no progress? And yet, along the path, and especially over the path, everything else is left behind.
In these times, we call what is thrown out of the circle of life pollution. What we learn from the circle of life is that there is always a path of reuse. And we, who are going to help have better vision inside and outside the gear of life, have as a profession, a duty, and as humans to clean up what we, as a society and as individuals, call waste. Waste always hinders the construction of a Society of Praise and Friendship.
People from the Optics field, whether Opticians, Optician-Optometrists, Optometrists, and all other professions on the axis of the wheel that leads to improving vision, also contribute to sowing waste.
Today, AASO, along with other Associations and Individuals in the sector, is building the engineering to sweep away the road traveled by the wheel of life from the debris that frames, lenses, etc., leave behind to bring them back to the wheel of life.
This bringing back to the machinery of life in the Universe has become a duty for today's societies. This happened because we forgot that every atom that enters, that is caught in the wheel of life has a lot of difficulty leaving life. From an inert body, it passes to other bodies, in the strangest forms and activities, but it is almost impossible for it to leave the wheel of life.
In the end, AASO is creating and committing to ensuring that everything that has contributed to vision returns to that destiny, to that vocation, and frees the path for the construction of a Society of Praise and Friendship.