Paula Silva 2023.
CEO Novo Oculista e Olhar de Prata
Founding Partner AASO
Sustainability is today a challenging task for all entrepreneurs, requiring commitment from everyone.
It is not about appearing to be “sustainable”, but about reducing the environmental impact that contributes to the preservation of the environment in the long term. I understand that the challenges of corporate sustainability can be overcome through a strong commitment from the company's leadership, evaluation of long-term costs and benefits, investment in training and knowledge.
Before implementing a sustainability plan, we must assess the environmental impact of our operations, identifying where we can reduce waste, energy and water consumption and carbon emissions. We must never forget that the implementation of a sustainability plan must be a continuous process, with a regular evaluation of our efforts, as well as the making of adjustments that guarantee that we are in the direction of the goals that we set for ourselves . Sustainability is not and never will be the responsibility of a single individual or department, so it will always be an asset to involve employees in the implementation of the plan.
It is therefore important to create a culture within the company that encourages everyone's collaboration and active participation. An ongoing commitment and small daily actions can make all the difference in preserving our planet.