Join OPÓTICA Summit!
ÓpticaPro magazine promotes a pioneering event dedicated exclusively to professionals, supplying companies, and brands in the sector: OPÓTICA summit. "Our mission is to give voice to opticians, and in this regard, we want to listen to and give a platform to professionals who have a clear vision of the market in Portugal."
The event will take place in Porto over two days, May 10th and 11th, and on Friday, it will feature Unique Points of View from some of the sector's most prominent figures, who will surprise us with a unique and personal perspective.
On Saturday morning, two roundtable discussions will attempt to answer two questions: What are the advantages of belonging to an optical group, and what is the state of optical/optometry education in Portugal? In the afternoon, the ÓpticaPro Awards will be presented in a solemn session attended by this year's winners and the jury.
May 10th - Friday
09:00-12:00 / 15:00-18:00 - Main Auditorium
Points of View - Stories with opticians in Portugal
Luís Coelho - Mais Óptica
Miguel Caires - Alberto Oculista
Paula Pinho - Adão Oculista
Paulo Cenicante - Fábrica dos Óculos Original
Rui Motty - Optocentro
Rui Rocha - Moutinho Ópticas
Sérgio Silva - Ópticas Lince
Tiago Alves - Olhar de Prata/Novo Oculista de Loures
Vera Velosa - Institutoptico
May 11th - Saturday
09:00-12:00 - Main Auditorium
Roundtable Discussions - Sector professionals discuss sector topics with audience questions
09:00 - "What are the advantages of belonging to an optical group?"
11:00 - "What is the state of optical education in Portugal?"
15:00-18:00 - Main Auditorium
Presentation of ÓpticaPro Awards 2024
The ÓpticaPro Awards will recognize the excellence of Portuguese opticians with 20 awards.
Lunch available in the Lounge Area, by Reservation and Booking
Location: Instituto Pernambuco-Porto | Rua das Estrelas,143 | Porto | Portugal